Friday, June 04, 2021

The cult of the Almighty Orgasm is coming for your kids

 I remember years ago when people said that the Left was trying to normalize pedophilia.  All the intelligent people scoffed.  "Oh, that will never happen!" they said.  Yeah.  Uh huh.  Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

And yes, I'm carefully censoring diagrams designed for first graders on a PG site intended for adult readers because I find the video that creepy.

While the predator/protagonist doesn't directly address the other half of her "that's not entirely true" tease, the video uses the boy to introduce it, by having him ask why his penis gets big sometimes.

I'm pretty sure parents should be involved here somehow, but they are nowhere to be seen so shut up about that.

Telling a six year old child that it will feel good when they touch themselves is called "Grooming".  It's what sexual predators do.  And apparently, it's also what elite NYC schools do.  Huh.  If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, then it's probably a duck, right?

If you have kids, just what are they being taught?  This is happening in a so-called "elite" school.  What's going on in YOUR children's school?

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