Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Donna Brazile lost her shit over fairly straight-forward comments

Eh, she's just a thin-skinned corruptocrat who carried Hillary Clinton's water and doesn't like to be reminded about it.

Brazile doesn’t want GOP interference in the Democrat primary races and that is clearly a reference to Operation Chaos type of voting that some Republican voters are doing Tuesday. But to deny that the superdelegates will get in there and muck things up for Sanders at the convention is just silly. We all saw what happened to Bernie in 2016 when he ran against Hillary. They were determined that Hillary have her coronation and then Trump, thankfully, squashed that Democrat fever dream in the general election.

Brazile made sure that Hillary had debate questions in advance, made sure that the Democrat Party super delegates voted for Hillary, and cleared the way for Hillary to run rough-shod over Bernie in 2016.  So her "Go to hell" moment now just rings hollow, because Brazile is nothing but a party hack covering for other party hacks.  I just want to see what McDaniel has to say back, because unlike the squishy wimps of previous years, McDaniel doesn't back down.

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