Monday, January 20, 2020

Things can go to hell in twenty years

Just take a look at National Review.  At this point, they've gone from being a freedom-defending publication, to having to be scolded for implying that Jews are responsible for Antisemitism.

Seriously, I used to keep old stacks of National Review in my house so that I could bone up on any topic that I was going to have to argue about with my co-workers.  Now?  I wouldn't take a copy of NR if you paid me to do so.  I knew their boat was sinking when my dad, who had subscribed to NR from the beginning, said he was dropping his subscription.  He couldn't handle their whiny soiboi anti-Trump-all-the-time bullshit. 

He's also ditched his Forbes subscription.  We've gone from having Thomas Sowell on a monthly basis to liberal Democrats extolling the virtues of socialism in every episode.  Dad used to read it religiously, as he was an investor for decades.  Stocks, bonds, real estate, you name it and dad probably invested in it.  And a couple of years ago he decided that he didn't need to be preached to by some snot-nosed know-nothing kid with a fancy degree and no experience what so ever in anything resembling the real world, which is pretty much the entire slate of Forbes writers these days, with an exception here or there.

It doesn't take long, once you stop defending civilization, for the Morlocks to take over.  They've taken over NR, they've taken over Forbes.  Hell, they've taken over vast swathes of our government because they were installed there by the proto-morlocks of the 60's and 70's.  The freedom we had in this country is essentially gone.  No kids today are going to remember riding in the back of pick-up trucks.  Hell, parents are getting visits from the police for the crime of letting their children walk to school alone.  The safety nazis of today would shit a brick if they saw what my brother and I used to do when we were kids.  I was six, he was nine, we lived in a suburb, we had bicycles, and mom would shoo us out the door in the morning.  We'd come back when we were hungry, and she'd shoo us out the door again.  Figure that for the sixteen waking hours we had, we were indoors for maybe three of them.

Unless they're growing up in the country, away from the cities and Morlock nests they contain, most kids can't even comprehend growing up the way my generation did.  And that is how a civilization dies.


Adrienne said...

I only maintain two subscriptions - Whistleblower (World Net Daily), and the New American (John Birch.)

Ragin' Dave said...

We maintain a subscription to Garden and Gun, because A) you can't go wrong with the name, B) RECIPES! The delicious recipes!

And because after living down South for Uncle Sam, I don't know if I'll ever truly get it out of my veins, no matter how long I live in the mountains.

Deserttrek said...

The cops who go to parents over such idiocy don't deser4ve a badge. The chiefs who fold certainly don't.