Wednesday, January 22, 2020

One big party of sin, filth, and corruption

Via Ann Barnhardt, and with her urging, I link to this post that connects a lot of pedophile dots within the so-called "leadership" of the Catholic Church and antipope Jorge Bergolio.  Do feel free to read it all if you're Catholic.  But I want to highlight this last little bit:

September 12th Pope Francis issued a statement inviting world leaders and young people to gather at the Vatican on May 14, 2020, for an event called “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance.” He stated that “a global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism.”


Humanism is antithetical to Catholic doctrine, folks.  More evidence that antipope Bergolio doesn't actually believe a word of the faith he professes to lead.

Pray for Pope Benedict XVI, the real Pope.

1 comment:

Deserttrek said...

Not a Catholic. I would have enjoyed meeting John Paul II. He seemed like an good guy, educated in life and his chosen profession.
The present Pope doesn't seem to be in touch with his importance