Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Alexandria Bigtits McDonkeyChompers is the gift that keeps on giving

Kinda like herpes.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has stepped in it again, this time on Twitter, by posting a whining complaint about all the healthcare options she has, or something, and slamming Obamacare by accident. "Members of Congress also have to buy their plans off the exchange. They are Gold plans that are partially subsidized. That means I get to "choose" btwn 66 complex financial products. This is absurd. No person should go without healthcare, & no one should go through this, either."

Bigtits McDonkeyChompers has always been a couple cards short of a full deck, but ever since her handler had to leave after getting his caught with his hand in the cookie jar, she's devolved into almost a parody of Marxist rhetoric combined with ignorance and arrogance.  She's making six figures and whining about having to pick from sixty-six different Gold health care plans.

She's so out of touch with this country that I really don't think she'll ever be able to get in touch.  She doesn't even speak the same language, metaphorically speaking.  She's clueless. 

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