Friday, July 01, 2016

Weeping Mangina hates "God Bless America"

Who woulda thought that the same quivering shitbag who cried about an AR-15 "bruising" him also hates a song that lauds the country he lives in?

Huh.  Go Figure.  He even proudly boasts that 88% of people who call themselves "Liberal" dislike the song.

Yeah, well NO SHIT SHERLOCK, that's what happens when you hate America, the US Constitution, and everything that made this country great in the first place.  And let's face it - most "Liberals", that is to say Progressive Marxist fascists, hate this country.  They've been trained to hate it from the day they first went to school, and they've never felt a reason to stop hating it.

No wonder they want our guns - all fascists hate it when they can't get their way by killing the people they don't like.

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