Tuesday, April 28, 2015


My wife is allergic to marijuana.

The smoke, in particular.  It triggers her migraine headaches.  It's just one thing in a long list of things that are triggers for her.  Most of what she's allergic to is food based, so it's easy enough to avoid.  Read labels.  Make sure food doesn't have certain ingredients in it.  So on and so forth.

But when you're out on a bike ride in the morning, and every bus-stop has some dipshit smoking weed like his life depended on it?  She got caught with a big blast of smoke towards the end of the ride, and by the time she got home five minutes later the visual symptoms were already hitting her.  By the time I left for work, she was curled up on the couch with the curtains drawn.

I can't beat the shit out of every loser who's doping up at a bus stop.  There's too many of them.  I wouldn't make it two blocks before I had to beat another loser half to death.

We have to plan our bike trips based on what streets have the most pot smokers, and try to avoid them.  But we can't even go on a bike path without plowing through a cloud of marijuana smoke that some no-life shitbag is blowing out as he gets high at 0630.

This city is a fucking cesspool, and once I escape I am never coming back.  It can fall off into the Pacific Ocean for all I care.  I wouldn't cry one tear for it.

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