Friday, September 16, 2011

I got nuthin'

I'm tired.  I'm worn out.  My brain activity is near zero, and I dread going in to work each day.  It's the end of the fiscal year, which means that I run around finding things to do because all the money is gone, and the bulk of my work requires a cash flow.

Lots of online training.  But you can only sit at a computer training for so long before your brains leak out your ears and you run around screaming "I'M A POLISH JUMPING PENIS AND I'M HERE TO SAVE YOU!"  And at that point your co-workers lock you in a fancy white coat and lock you in a closet until after the new Fiscal Year beings.

Hell, my body is just plain sore.  I skipped the workout this morning.  My shoulder is thanking me.  My legs are thanking me.  I'm kind of at a point where all I want to do is make my body feel better.  I think the past six years of my life have worn me down to the point where I need to take a whole lot of leave all at once and just let my body recuperate.

Ah hell, whining never solves anything.  Let's go punch a hippy.  That'll make me feel better.  And the Left has been calling for war for a good long time now.  Let's give it to 'em.

Any reports about hippy punching in Wisconsin is not me.  I was not here.  You didn't read this.

1 comment:

North said...

" Let's go punch a hippy. That'll make me feel better. "

I know it makes ME feel better.


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