Thursday, October 07, 2010

Red Curtain of Blood

So, I'm reading the account of this White House insider, who is asking just what the hell have we done, and I get to this paragraph right here, where some Democrat American Communist Party member is worried because his support for Obamacare might cost him his job, and...  well, here:

The gist of it was this – they were told to drop it.  They were told to, exact words here – “worry about your own campaign and don’t expect the White House to hold your hand over this.”  Well, they were upset right?  Just hearing about it made me absolutely furious.  This is a person’s career, their life here.  Now that answer wasn’t good enough so they pushed it a bit further – suggested the president could do some town meetings and answer questions about the bill, alleviate all the concerns and fight back against the conservative chatter that was being put out there.  Guess what they were told regarding that?  They were asked one question – did they read the bill?  This Congressperson admitted they hadn’t.  Like a lot of them, they had voted for it, but hadn’t read it.  That was a mistake, sure, but the thing is over 2000 pages, right? Well, after admitting they didn’t read the bill they are told in a laughing way mind you, “That’s ok – neither has the president, so you can’t expect him to take on a bunch of town meetings on it, right?”  So that was it.  Nice, huh?  Bye-bye, thanks for playing, and good luck with the -explitive- storm coming your way this summer.

Now, I want you to think about how much power this bill has, and how much it will affect Americans.  And the people responsible for it, and the damned jackass who signed it, didn't even bother to read it.

I think that anyone who had a hand in the passing of Obamacare who didn't read the bill needs to be tarred, feathered, ridden out of town on a rail, banned from politics at any level, and jailed for no less than ten years.  And I only say that because I'm trying to be a nicer person, and so I cannot recommend pulling their guts out through their asshole and leaving their corpses to feed the coyotes.

Now, you can go read the rest of the article.  This buy is basically having a pity party for himself, and his sweet, sweet tears are a thing of joy to me.  But it's clear that he doesn't get it.  At one point he complains that the media won't report on who and what Obama really is.  NO SHIT SHERLOCK!  That's how the fucking assclown got elected in the first place!  And you were perfectly happy with it as long as it helped your side!

Gah.  It's too early in the morning for this.  I need coffee.

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