Sunday, November 01, 2009

No Web Access

I'll be on limited web access for the next few days. If I can post, I will. If I can't, well, try not to dirty up the joint any more than it already is before I get back, eh?

I'm not a Packer's fan

I'm a Seahawks fan, and have been for decades. But I'm also just a football fan, and for what Brett Favre did to the Packers......

I hope he spends his day flat on his ass at Lambeau Field.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

I got nuthing today

I'm tired as hell. I'm going over to a friend's house to help him build a covered lean-to on the side of his garage. Politics have gotten me to the point where all I want to do is stockpile ammunition and tell D.C. to go fuck off.


Yeah. That's about how I feel right now.

Blah. I'm off to go build shit.

Friday, October 30, 2009

I wish I was surprised

But I'm not. Not at all.

Ladies and Gents, I've said to too many times, but I'll say it again. The Democrat American Communist Party, by and large, hates the military. Can't stand it. They think we're just a bunch of deluded fools, brainwashed by "The Man".

Combine that with the fact that most Donks don't understand why America should be defended. Indeed, most Democrats do NOT defend America at all, much less any of America's interests outside of our borders. Remember, to Leftists like Obama, America is the problem and not the solution.

So when Obama dithers, and waffles, and votes "Present" just like he did during his entire short Senate career, you cannot be surprised. He did it for years, and it got him elected to the Presidency. Do you honestly now think that he's going to change his ways? Who cares if a few more Myrmidons die in Afghanistan? According to Obama, we're out there air-raiding villages and killing children. For Obama, a few more dead Soldiers is not really a "Bad Thing". He never gave a rats ass about us anyways. The one and only thing Obama gives a shit about is making sure his political career can go on unblemished. That's why he keeps blaming Bush for his fuck-ups. And you know what? As long as people let him keep blaming Bush, Obama will continue to let his fuck-ups and his inaction get Soldier's killed.

It's not about the actions, it's about who he can blame.

You know, I'm really, really wondering if I want to defend a country that would elect this piece of shit.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Me? Paranoid?

Read this and tell me what you think.

As part of the next arms reduction treaty between superpowers, the United States has tentatively agreed to unprecedented Russian access to American nuclear missile sites. According to published accounts, Russian weapons inspectors will be given an open door to American nuclear sites in order to monitor the number of missiles and warheads. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is quite satisfied with the deal. Perhaps it is an error of omission, but there is no news of a similar concession from the Russian side. This is psychologically and strategically significant: first, because it presents us with a President and a Secretary of State who are mistaken in their assessment of Kremlin trustworthiness; second, because it shows weakness in the President; third, because the Russians are demonstrating a kind of superiority.

The leaders of the United States are unlike any previous leaders we’ve seen at the helm of a major power. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently made an extraordinary statement: “We want to ensure that every question that the Russian military or Russian government asks is answered.” And she means it. If a Russian foreign minister made a similar statement, one might expect to glimpse his colleagues suppressing giggles in the background. The America side makes such statements without the least cynicism, irony or humor. The U.S. Secretary of State is putting the concerns of her Russian colleagues first. She is not putting the concerns of the American people first. This is at the core of the process. The strategic interest of the United States holds no place in the President's policy. Some greater good – or alleged greater good – is being promoted. You may call this greater good by the name of "world peace."

It's crap like this that makes me stock up on ammunition for the coming civil war. Ladies and Gentlement, we now have political leadership who are unwilling to defend this country. Let that sink in for a while. We have the greatest military in the world. Our economy is what drives the global economy. We have unprecedented influence on every country in the world, and our political leadership WILL NOT DEFEND US ON THE WORLD STAGE. Our political leadership is giving our enemies the keys to our destruction. Our political leadership is putting the barrel of a shotgun into our mouths and putting our enemies fingers on the fucking trigger!

At some point, this self-destructive behavior will simply lead to one part of this country telling the other part to go fuck itself. And that's when the shooting starts. So yeah, I'm stockpiling ammo, because the elected leadership in this country can't even represent this country, and that shows a problem too big to be ignored.

Found here.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Warrior Song

Hoo Yah

The song is available for 99¢ on iTunes. All proceeds go to the Armed Forces Relief Trust.

Random Thoughts

I was clicking through this website looking at their "curiosities" section, when I realized that I didn't really recognize most of the celebrities they had pictures of. I know who Lindsey Lohan is, just because I've been forced to watch the trainwreck that is her life at every checkout counter at every supermarket in existance. But Sophie Monk? Audrina Partridge? No clue.

And then I realized, that's not exactly something to be ashamed of. Hell, I'm rather proud of that fact.