Friday, September 04, 2009

Freudian Slip?

Reading this article (found here) about a protest in Texas, my eye caught a possible quote that got my blood boiling:

"I think it's criminal the way he's being attacked," Gene Collins, who supports Mr. Obama's Speech, said.

He supports the President's message and an opportunity for students to hear from the Country's leader.

I don't quite know who wrote that, which is why I said "possible" quote. I don't know if Mr. Collins called the president our leader, or if it was put in by the newspaper. But fuck them all to hell. Fuck both of them all to hell in any case. The president does. Not. LEAD! He represents this country on the world stage, but he doesn't lead jack shit! Despite the best efforts of the Democrat American Communist Party, this is NOT North Korea! We do not have Dear Leader installed in D.C.!

Perhaps THAT is the big dichotomy between Conservatives and Liberals - Conservatives want to be represented. Liberals want to be lead. Having surrendered their responsibilities to the government, as well as the freedoms that those responsibilities come with, Liberals now wait, infant like, to be led into blissful, ignorant slumber, sucking their binkies and waiting for their government sponsored nurse to change their soiled diapers.

And if Liberals just left it at that, we might have been fine. But they want to force the REST of America into their infantile slumber with them. Sorry you Leftoid fuckwits, but I choose my LEADERS. And I will not allow Obama to LEAD me anywhere. I've seen where leadership of that sort ends up. I can do a Google search on Soviet Gulags just as well as the next guy.

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