Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Obama hates the American Flag

Obama refuses the pledge, announces he won't wear a flag pin, takes the American flag off of his campaign aircraft, excuses campaign workers flying the Cuban flag in his campaign offices, tolerates American flags being trashed at his nomination... and now...

Kathryn Jean Lopez on the latest : Where Did the American Flag Go?
The United States Mission to the United Nations has a new look online. If you check out the redesigned site, you see it’s decked out in United Nations blue, with the U.N. logo prominently displayed.

Fine, the U.N. logo is there. But where is the United States flag? And where did the red, white, and blue that used to introduce the site go?

...that overbearing U.N. logo is new. A waving U.S. flag used to be in its place.
But Obama will salute Ghana's flag...
Cross Posted at DANEgerus


Anonymous said...

Now that I know about this, personally, I believe that it'll be best to just let the bastard go. We don't need, nor want, a president who does not salute the American flag, who REFUSES to do so. What is his tie to Ghana? Is he Muslim? American presidents are supposed to be AMERICAN and BORN in the United States of AMERICA. He should be the president of Ghana, since he salutes their flag and not ours.

Unknown said...

He ain't American, he does not like America, he is a Virus inside the White house!! Beware people!!