I found one. A rather nice Russian beauty, somewhat aged but still lovely. And the Ragin' Mrs. even said I could bring her home! So I did.

And here she is dressed up with a slim black accessory.

She's a Mosin-Nagant 91/30, in good condition. They had flaming assloads of Mosin-Nagant 44's at the shop, but only one 91/30. I picked up a few 44's, held 'em, aimed 'em, and they just didn't feel right in my hands. Besides, I have a carbine already, a Hungarian SKS with the actual blade bayonet instead of the spike. I wanted a rifle, not a carbine. When I picked this little honey up, she went right to my shoulder and stayed rock solid when I aimed her. (At a stuffed deer, if you must know.)
So I brought her home. She has her own case, her own ammo, her own spot in the section 'o guns, but she doesn't have a name. The Ragin' Mrs. says to name her Olga, but her father is married to an Olga and I really don't know if I want that mental picture in my head every time I take a shot. So I'm using my executive powers and vetoing that name. But what name fits?
Natasha? Titania? Give me some hints, people. My rifle needs a good name!
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