Monday, June 02, 2008


When deciding on a course of action, I know that I look at the pros and cons of what I'm going to do, and determine if the action is worth taking or not. It doesn't have to be anything major - it's all part of a decision making process that each and every one of us do every day. When I woke up this morning, and felt tired as hell, I had a choice. I could sleep for another hour, or go running. Now, what are the pros and cons of this?

Sleep for another hour: I get more rest, maybe. But I also get fatter, because I'm not exercising.

Go running: Stay in shape, maybe be a little more tired during the day.

It's worth more to be to be in shape than it is to be slightly more rested, so I got my ass up and went running. Everyone does this kind of process, even if they don't actively KNOW that they're doing it.

Now, when you're making a major decision, shouldn't you take the time to do the same kind of determination? And wouldn't you want to look at EVERY bit of evidence regarding the outcome of your decision?

Then why the hell can't people look at the absolute failure that is Government-run health care and figure out that it's a bad idea?

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