Saturday, February 02, 2008

New pledge for Berkeley and most Californians

So, with this Berkeley crap ( the ungrateful *&*O&(^^&%^$%*^$%^&(*)&^)*&()), I have decided they need a new pledge. I have a few different versions, but am in need of help. So, I will change it as I get suggestions.

Version I: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the ungrateful state of California, and to the greed for which it stands, one nation under Hollywood for selfish freedoms I will stomp on all!

Version II: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the ungrateful state of California, and to the greed and selfishness for which I live, one New World Order under Hollywood, for freedoms I enjoy and will not defend or allow for others

Version III: I pledge allegiance to nothing except for my ideals and the power, money and ass kissers they bring me

Buzz's Version: "I pledge my regions to the fags of the Republic of California and to the repugnance for which they stand, indignation against God, not responsible, with marijuana and open borders for all."
Buzz, I just don't think I can improve on your version. It says soooo much :)

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