Friday, July 28, 2006

So, I haven't commented much

On Israel lately. That's because every time I turn around, there's someone much better doing it for me.

Captain Ed, who also has a good takedown on a Rolling Stone piece that proves that the writers at that magazine are still taking way too many drugs.

DANEgerus. Just start scrolling. Also, check out the video of a UN ambulance picking up terrorists and transporting them.

Michelle Malkin. Check out the picture of the two flags flying together. Now, when you fly two flags together, it's normal that the flag of the host nation is flown above any other flag. Take a look at that picture and draw your own conclusions.

My own thoughts on this are predictable and clear - Israel has the right to defend itself against anyone who attacks her. The terrorists who Israel is currently engaged with have attacked her constantly for years, and in my opinion should have been destroyed years ago. Hamas is a group of thugs who's stated goal is the destruction of Israel. Hezbullah is an Iranian financed proxy who have been launching missiles at Israel from Lebanon for years.

The only thing that the United States should do at this point is hold off any international pressure from Israel. Anytime some pansy-assed terrorist-appeasing country comes up with a "cease-fire" plan, the US should bitchslap that country back into submission and tell them to shut up and go away. Let Israel deal with the terrorists. Because at this point, every terrorist-appeasing plan that can be tried, has been tried. Land-for-peace? The land that Israel gave up in the name of peace is now being used as a launching point for attacks on her. Prisoner exchanges? Gee, that worked so well in the past, didn't it? Aid money? Used to buy weapons that in turn were used to attack Israel.

The West can finally send a clear message to the Middle East - knock this shit off, or deal with the consequences. My fear is that most of the West doesn't have the balls to keep the pressure on the terrorists. Judging from the unhinged reactions of the "progressive" Left, who have done everything in their power to excuse Hezbullah and Hamas from their actions, they would love nothing more than to see a "cease-fire" enacted, which as anyone with half a brain knows, means that Israel would stop fighting while the terrorists would simply redouble their efforts. That cannot be allowed.

We need to stand fast, hold the line, and let Israel defend herself. It really is that simple.

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