Sunday, November 13, 2005

Jack Black - Fit Throwing Enviro-Infant vs Evil Oil Guys

Wife and kids are watching The Wizard of Oz on TBS (yes, Tard Turner) and one of the commercials features uber-asshat Jack Black sitting at a big table with a bunch of suits and some little kids. The suits are Big Evil Corporate Oil guys who offer Jack and the kiddies a whole bunch of candy after they bitch about the dreaded leftist boogeyman - GLOBAL WARMING! Jack sees through this "clever ploy" and throws a giant fit waving his hands and papers around in the air, mussing up his hair and yelling "GLOBAL WARMING" several times. That'll show 'em. The commercial then lists a bunch of big rich jet-airplane riding Hollywood types that live in gigantic heated and air conditioned mansions such as Tom hanks who will champion an Earth Day event - Earth to America. Don'tcha just love the implied "wake up"? "Hey America, BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID" say the anointed on behalf of the "earth".

First, when rich leftists build their fantasy world, you have to love the way they portray their enemies: "Here's some candy!" Rather than: "Well first, blithering fucking idiot....we'll get the Big Evil Oil guys on Mars on the phone RIGHT NOW and tell them to fix global warming there too. Now apologize to these kids and get the fuck out of our office."

Next, we live on the earth and that is why we focus on EVILOILCOMPANYGLOBALWARMING here, but what about that poor little red planet next door? No love for Mars?

"for three Mars summers in a row, deposits of frozen carbon dioxide near Mars' south pole have shrunk from the previous year's size, suggesting a climate change in progress."


Next, we offer the rational individual a choice (keep the Mars info in mind):

"the Sun has never been as active as it has been during the past 60 years.

Over the past few hundred years, there has been a steady increase in the numbers of sunspots, a trend that has accelerated in the past century, just at the time when the Earth has been getting warmer."

Now we all know it's the CO2 from fossil fuels (EVILOILHALIBURTONHITLER) that causes the greenhouse effect....WRONG:

95 percent of the greenhouse effect (atmospheric warming due to the trapping of solar energy that makes life possible on Earth) is due to water vapor, 99.999 percent of which is of natural origin.

The other 5 percent of the greenhouse effect is due to carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other miscellaneous gases.

Although carbon dioxide is the most dominant of these gases by volume, comprising about 99.4 percent, the other gases trap more heat. So the contribution of carbon dioxide to the 5 percent of the greenhouse effect not due to water vapor is much less than 99.4 percent — it's about 72 percent.

Carbon dioxide, therefore, is responsible for roughly 3.6 percent of the greenhouse effect.

But carbon dioxide is produced both naturally and by humans. About 97 percent of atmospheric carbon dioxide is natural, in fact. Only about 3 percent is from human activity.

That means that only about 0.11 percent of the greenhouse effect (that is, 3 percent of 3.6 percent) is due to human releases of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

OH! BUT BUT BUT We just keep making more CO2!! And the biosphere eats it up! Plants and CO2....go figure:

"emission rates of CO2 from combustion of fossil fuel have increased almost 40 percent in the past 20 years, but the amount of CO2 accumulating in the atmosphere has stayed the same or even declined slightly."

Summing up:

Jack Black - Braying toad-like little Jackass out to scare you, not inform you.
You choose: Increased activity of that big ball-o-gas nuclear heater next door making the Earth and Mars warmer, OR that .11 percent of the greenhouse effect that human beings contribute to by putting out EVIL CO2 from OILCOMPANYHITLERBUSHCORPORATESUVs which is absorbed by plants that dig breathing.

What is their solution? Windmills? Solar cells? Hydro-electic? Bicycles? Little tiny cars? Laws against teenagers cruising the loop? Increased taxes to drive down demand that can be handed over to the anointed so they can spend their days pissing it away in pursuit of a perpetual motion machine? It sure as hell isn't nuclear power, or laws against rich asshat leftists flying private jets between big air conditioned mansions across the globe, or drilling and exploration, or anything else that puts affordable fuel in your car so that you can get yourself to work safely and reliably every day. They don't give a crap what the problems of the average American worker are. They're uber-wealthy and "green" and YOU should cower in fear when they throw fits about "GLOBAL WARMING"!!!!

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