Monday, June 28, 2004

Anyone In A Betting Mood?

Because I got ten bucks that says this story never sees the front page of any major media outlet.

Intelligence officers learned between 1999 and 2001 that uranium smugglers planned to sell illicitly mined Nigerien uranium ore, or refined ore called yellow cake, to Iran, Libya, China, North Korea and Iraq.

These claims support the assertion made in the British government dossier on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programme in September 2002 that Iraq had sought to buy uranium from an African country, confirmed later as Niger. George W. Bush, US president, referred to the issue in his State of the Union address in January 2003.

Every brain-dead fucktard out there who was screaming "BUSH LIED" never stopped to think about why the British, who first shared this intel with us, were sticking by their story through it all. They should have.

But then if they actually used their brains, they might not be Leftists would they?

Found via Instapundit.

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