Thursday, February 24, 2011

Linky Love today

Dem congresscritter calls for union protests to "get a little bloody".  I'm at the point right now where if I saw a union goon beating a Tea Partier?  That union goon would be eating his dinners through a straw for a good long while.  I wouldn't kill him, but he'd be begging me to do so.

Obama the gutless, nutless, spineless little punk bitch votes "Present" on Libya.  Go figure.  It's all he knows how to do.

Democrat American Communist Party Members of Wisconsin Lie.  Nothing new or out of the ordinary there.  Dog bites man story, if you ask me.

Whichever brainless fucking prick at the Daily Show decided that bringing a camel to Madison Wisconsin in the middle of FEBRUARY was a good idea needs to be fired.  Now.  And take John Stewart with them.

Rahm Emanuel is Chicago's new Mafia Don Mob Boss Corrupt piece of shit in charge Mayor.  Who didn't see that coming?  Let me repeat one of my earlier statements - Chicago sucks so hard I'm amazed it doesn't drain the water out of Lake Michigan.  What a fucking cesspool of corruption and crime.

Gah.  That's enough for one night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that standardized tests aren't racist anymroe?