Monday, February 21, 2011

Iraqi Vet, Idaho Native, heckled at Columbia University

I saw this yesterday, but I'm really, REALLY trying to at least be nice on Sundays, so I left it alone.  Didn't touch it.  Because I didn't want to lose my cool and call the anti-American, cock-biting trust-fund red diaper doper babies what they were.

Behavior like that of Columbia’s anti-military crowd toward Mascheck is rude, crass, childish, and demonstrates a cosseted ignorance that they, for some reason, seem eager to display.  It speaks to the fact that differing opinions are not welcome.  And civil debate?  Why bother with that when you can bravely stand up and call a wounded warrior a “racist” for simply expressing himself in an open forum? 
This sort of bratty behavior toward a man who literally bled on their behalf only demonstrates for all the the emptiness of words like “tolerance”, “civility”, “acceptance” and “equality” for the Columbia anti-war students who jeered and laughed at this man. They should be mortally ashamed of themselves.

In order to completely describe just how abhorrent the behavior of Columbia University is we'd have to invent another thesaurus.  And yes, it's the ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSITY, teachers, administrators, and students who display this behavior.  I say pull every last bit of federal funding away from the Columbia University Hate-Mongers and let them sink.  The only people who would shed a tear would be the afore-mentioned red diaper doper babies.

And people wonder why I don't want to go back to school?  What the fuck could they teach me?  How to hate America 101?  Destroying the country that raised you?  Yay.

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