Thursday, February 05, 2009

Baking bread

Don't ask me why, but I've got to bake a gross of sourdough rolls before Saturday.

Yeah. I'm busy.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Could Manas AFB be history?

Could this be what was meant when Biden told us that Obama would be tested by the world?

My Past Follows Me

Even after I left Seattle, the worthless, corrupt idiots and shitheels are still going to end up screwing up this country.

Ron Sims, the man who made damn sure that Governor Select Gregoire got "elected" by counting ineligible ballots, and then blocking the investigation into the recount of those ineligible ballots, who has gotten his ass fined off and still faces lawsuits for his criminal action, is going to be #2 at HUD.


Yes people...

This dumber than a sack of wet hammers idiot is the speaker of the house:

You want to know HOW I know that the people of San Francisco are so mentally retarded that they should all be institutionalized and subjected to years of electroshock therapy? Because they keep electing that woman, who isn't fit to walk the halls of Congress, much less hold any kind of position there.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Global Poverty Act-brought to you by none other than Obama

I ran across this article on the "Global Poverty Act". It is a beautiful little piece of work that give .7% of our Gross National Product to "starving 3rd world countries via the UN. It is quite an interesting read.

Improving on a quote

BabyTrollBlog has a quote up from Walter Williams:

A visual representation of the stimulus package is: Imagine you see a person at work taking buckets of water from the deep end of a swimming pool and dumping them into the shallow end in an attempt to make it deeper. You would deem him stupid. That scenario is equivalent to what Congress and the new president proposes for the economy.

--Walter E. Williams

If I may..... (ahem).

While this visual representation is mostly accurate, it is missing a rather integral part. You see, the person isn't quite taking water from one end, then trudging to the other end and dumping the bucket. No, that person is taking water from one end, then handing that bucket off to a government official standing at the side of the pool to checks it to ensure that there is the proper amount of water in the bucket. THAT person hands it off to anther government drone who tests it to make sure that there are no EPA violating levels of arsenic or lead in it. THAT drone hands it off to another drone who labels it something like Bucket #1, lot 001, sample A. THAT drone hands it off to a tax collector who ensures that the government gets their progressively deduced portion of water in the bucket. THAT worker hands it off to a properly licensed union worker who has the government qualifications necessary to properly empty a bucket into a body of water, even though anyone can do the job.

All the government drones and workers are surrounded by hordes of screaming idiots telling them to do it THIS way, or THAT way, or saying that they know a better way to measure/test/label/dump the bucket.

And you can bet that each and every worthless bastard standing on the sidelines is dipping THEIR cup into the bucket to make sure that they get their fair share out of someone else's bucket, so when that union certified bucket dumper finally empties the bucket into the water, instead of five gallons of water you have one or two pints actually emptied into the pool.

The government is NOT the solution. The solution is for the government to get their greedy, filthy claws off of our economy and let Americans do what we do best - SUCCEED. Which we probably would be doing right now, if it weren't for the parasites in Congress sucking the life out of this country bit by bit.

Tom Daschle withdraws his name

From consideration for Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Nancy Killefer does the same for consideration for Chief Performance Officer.

I say audit everybody. And I mean EVERYBODY. Every member of Congress for the past twenty years. Every administration official from the same timeframe. Friggin' EVERYONE gets audited. Because I'll bet my entire paycheck that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

The high and mighty elitist bastards think they don't have to follow the laws that they themselves create. It's tar and feathers time, people.



That any Act by the Congress of the United States, Executive Order of the President of the United States of America or Judicial Order by the Judicatories of the United States of America which assumes a power not delegated to the government of United States of America by the Constitution for the United States of America and which serves to diminish the liberty of the any of the several States or their citizens shall constitute a nullification of the Constitution for the United States of America by the government of the United States of America.
I'm printing this out, sending it to my State representatives, and suggesting that they do something similar.

Found at KisP.

Monday, February 02, 2009

(D)emocrat Immigration Bill a "Piece Of Sh*t"

How bady are the (D)emocrat's going to F**k this country?
Legal Status after 24 hours even without a complete background check

Tax-payers to pay the bills for all the lawyers including the (D)emocrat constituents representing the illegal aliens

Temporary Visas could be renewed indefinately making them in effect Permanent

Amnesty for illegal alien gang members, welcome MS-13.

Tax-payer money to the corrupt officials of Mexico for healthcare & education for the Mexicans to provide incentives to Mexicans to stay in Mexico.

No back taxes

Tax credits, like the 'low income' Earned Income Credit, would be immediately available to illegal aliens

No English required

Amnesty for 'Absconders', those who are living here in violation of a judicial order to leave

These provisions would allow all immigration courts to simply close as there would be no laws to enforce

Free Tuition for illegal aliens, but not for citizens, of course

Illegal aliens passed to front of line for processing ahead of legal applicants for immigration.

Fast track for SPP, the "North American Union" that everyone says doesn't exist gets billions in US tax-payer dollars

No mention of Border Security at all...

Border Border Fence funding to be cut
A "Piece Of Shit" -- John Boehner(R)

Cross Posted at DANEgerus

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Someone please tell me

Just how much are the Steelers paying the refs these days, anyways? It wasn't as bad as 2005, but the 3rd quarter was as horrible as I've seen in a while. There was one roughing the passer call that should have been intentional grounding, and one un-necessary roughness call that was flat out bullshit, and both calls saved the Steelers.

It must be nice to have the zebras just hand you a game. Especially the Super Bowl.

Photo Time

This time it's not one of mine - it's a photo taken at Camp Dodge, Iowa, with about 18,000 troops.

I'd seen this in a book somewhere, and a buddy of mine just emailed it to me. One of the interesting things about it is that in order to get the right perspective on this photo, they had to use most of the people at the top, from about the torch on down to her shoulder. You can count seventeen across at the very base of the photo, but once you get to the torch it's far more than that.

341KB if you want to download it.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

That sound you hear

Is my head exploding.

BREAKING 7:41PM ET: Fox News Television reports that Barack Obama has issued a demand that the Pentagon reduce its budget by more than 10%. The dollar figure is $55 billion.

President Obama wants to spend a trillion dollars on welfare, condoms, international STD prevention, 600,000 new government jobs and handouts for illegal immigrants... but negative funding for the very mission his Presidential Oath required.
I know I shouldn't be surprised. This is what the Democrat American Communist Party does, every chance it gets. The Left hates the military. They loathe the military. They can't stand it. And so they tear it down at every opportunity. They'll never miss a chance to harm the American military in any way they can.

So now we have a far Left Marxist radical in office, so what the heck do you think will happen? He's going to cut the military. He'll spend billions upon billions of dollars on social welfare and government programs, but he's going to cut the military.

I hope to God that there's a military left after his turn in office.

HEY, HERE'S AN IDEA! Let's start by removing all military support from the Office of the President. AIR FORCE ONE? How much does that cost? Get rid of it. MARINE ONE? How much does that cost? Get rid of it. The salaries and pay for all those military folks that guard the White House? How much do they cost? Get rid of them.

This oxygen thief hates the military. Maybe it's time to show him that the feeling is mutual.

HERE'S ANOTHER THOUGHT: Let's start by shutting down every single base in states controlled by liberal morons. Ft. Dix, NEW JERSEY? Gone. Ft. Drum, NEW YORK? Gone. Ft. Irwin, CALIFORNIA? Gone. Let the military put it's bases where they're appreciated, instead of shitty liberal hellholes. Maybe THAT will save some money.

UPDATE: Cold Fury reminded me of something Kommisar Obama said a while ago:

“You know, I’ve heard from an Army captain who was the head of a rifle platoon supposed to have 39 men in a rifle platoon. Ended up being sent to Afghanistan with 24 because 15 of those soldiers had been sent to Iraq.

And as a consequence, they didn’t have enough ammunition, they didn’t have enough Humvees. They were actually capturing Taliban weapons, because it was easier to get Taliban weapons than it was for them to get properly equipped by our current commander in chief.”

So I guess that statement was just pure political posturing bullshit. Hey, who woulda thunk it, coming from a Democrat American Communist Party member? Yep, the US Military is underfunded according to the Liberal Lord and Messiah (at least it was LAST year!) but now it's cut that funding, baby! I look forward to the days when I'll go out to train and have to yell "BANG BANG" because there's no money for ammunition.

You know, just like the Carter years. And the Clinton years. Hey, am I detecting a pattern here?

Expounding on the post below

Both a commenter and the Ragin' Mrs. mentioned things to me about the post below, and I guess I should at least explain why I'm so ticked off about that CNN article.

I guess the bottom line is that in life, shit happens. Yes, sometimes you can't get a job. The Ragin' Mrs. herself has been on unemployment before we were married. But she was not the main breadwinner. I am. Are there times when you can't get a job at all? Yes, there is. And to be honest, yes, that is what unemployment is for.

But that's not the case in the CNN article. Mr. LeBlanc could have gotten a well paying job on an oil rig. He chose not to do so. And even THAT is fine, because that's his choice. Being around his family is more important to him than making money away from home.

But that was his CHOICE. Meaning, he chose to stay home. Do not whine about it.

He's working as a pizza delivery driver right now. He should have gotten that job BEFORE things were so dire that he had to sell off his "beloved 2003 Kawasaki motorcycle". But from what I read in the article, this guy chose NOT to get a job that was somehow below him. He just kept waiting for the perfect job to come along.

Wrong answer.

One of our buddies in Seattle was working in the computer field, and got laid off in 2001. This guy worked any and every job he could until he could find another job in computers. Two years of selling cell phones, delivering pizzas, jobs that Mr. LeBlanc obviously feels are below him. But my buddy made sure his bills were paid.

Granted, this was in Seattle, where there are a ton of jobs like that to be had - food service, other service industries. But again, from the article, Mr. LeBlanc had job opportunities, he just didn't like them, so he didn't take them.

Wrong answer, folks. Because at that point the economy is not to blame for your financial straits, your CHOICES are.

What pissed me off the most is that this whole sob story resulted from the choices that this guy has made. There are plenty of people out there who are dealing with real hardship. REAL hardship, folks, as in do you pay your mortgage or your food bill, and they're in that position due to no fault of their own.

Mr. LeBlanc just didn't want to be away from home. But he could have gotten a job. And because he chose to sit around and wait for the perfect job to come along, his family is having financial difficulties. And they're crying about it. That doesn't fly with me.

Did I explain why I was pissed well enough, or are things still as clear as mud?

Friday, January 30, 2009

People don't know "hard times"

Tam goes on a slight rant here about an article done by CNN.

Donna LeBlanc gave her husband, a former restaurant manager, the stark ultimatum: become a pizza delivery man or their family "wouldn't make it."

The Lafayette, Louisiana, family of six was struggling with $45,000 of mounting medical debt from Donna LeBlanc's unexpected case of pneumonia and tonsillitis a year earlier. The family savings account had dwindled to $100.


Rob LeBlanc filed for unemployment compensation immediately after he lost his job. More than 4.6 million Americans were collecting unemployment benefits as of early January, according to the Labor Department.

In Lafayette, a quiet city of about 114,000 tucked away in southern Louisiana, many of the jobs center around servicing the oil and gas industry, but Rob LeBlanc was unwilling to work offshore and away from his family.

I was having a conversation with my NCOIC the other day, and we've both come to the agreement that people in this country are so fucking spoiled that they don't even know what "HARD TIMES" truly are. This guy could have gotten a job, but HE DID NOT WANT TO. And I'm supposed to feel sympathy for him?

Fuck. That. Noise.

After several weeks of searching, he took the only job he could get -- a Domino's pizza delivery man, a job that would cover the family's expenses.

"I had to swallow my pride and take whatever I could get," Rob LeBlanc says. "I kept telling myself one of these days something better will come along."

Hey fuckernuts - why don't you try WORKING while you wait for that perfect, special job to come along? I swear, is this what America has come to? We've gone from a country where people pulled themselves out of poverty by sheer will alone, and now we're nothing but fat, worthless fucking pasty pansy-assed pieces of wimpy worm-riddled shit who whine and cry about how life is just SO FUCKING UNFAIR.


When I moved up to Seattle after getting out of the Army, I found a job and honestly thought that I would be working there for at least a few years. Less than a year after I started I got laid off. You know what I did? I FOUND ANOTHER JOB! I was unemployed for less than a month, and thanks to the fact that I had some money in my savings account, I didn't touch a drop of unemployment. To this day, I can say that I've never taken unemployment benefits. Was my new job as fantastic and wonderful as the job I got laid off from? Hell no! But it paid the bills, and by the time I re-enlisted in 2004 I had gotten several raises and was making more money than I ever had in my life!

But that's because I wanted to work and support myself. I had enough pride that I wasn't going to sit around bitching and whining like some worthless fucking retard, waiting and hoping for someone else to hand me my dream job.

Go read the rest of the article. This whining maggot has to sell his motorcycle, BOO FREAKING HOO! The kids don't get allowances? BOO FREAKING HOO! They've had to give up cable and eating out! BOO! FUCKING! HOO!

My wife and I almost NEVER went out to eat in the past four years. When I joined the military, our budget got hit with a double whammy - I made about 10k less per year, and she couldn't get a job in Puerto Rico. You want living lean? WE lived lean. But not only did we not complain, we managed to put a decent amount away in our savings before we left.

I stopped getting an allowance when I was about 11 or 12. So what did I do for money? I mowed lawns. I pruned trees. I pulled weeds. I watched animals for people. I bucked bales of hay. You want a shitty job, Mr. I can't handle getting a real job so I'm going to bitch and whine? GO BUCK 110 POUND BALES OF HAY FOR A WEEK! Anyone who read this blog do that for a while? It's summer time, you're lifting and throwing these bales that weigh anywhere from 65 to 125 pounds, and you've got to wear long-sleeved, heavy duty shirts to keep your arms from getting torn to shreds. It sucks, but it pays. And I did get paid to do it. So I guess that when I was in my teens, I had more fucking balls, pride, and integrity than Mr. LeBlanc does.

Gah. You know what? I'm not in the mood for any kind of sob stories. I've been sick of the sob stories. America is full of sob stories, and people who want to be pitied. Fuck that. Just fuck that straight to hell. I'm sick of pathetic pieces of shit who want pity. I want to be around people who have pride in themselves, and rather than asking for pity they'll pull themselves up and proudly say "Dammit, I'm an American!"

Gah. There goes my blood pressure again.......

Michael Steele the new RNC head

It's not going to make me leap back to the Republican Party, but it's a start. Out with the old Democrat Lite!

Let's hope that Steele has been listening to the former Republican voters.

Side benefit - Watching the Leftoid's heads explode when they continue to claim that the Republican Party is RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST, and they have to debate a black Republican.

Got my eyes checked out today

And actually got some very, very good news. Seems that the readings showing high levels of pressure in my eyeballs were the result of allergies and the antihistamines I took to control them. This means two things to me:

1) I am not in danger of glaucoma as previously thought.

2) I am now able to consider Lasik surgery to correct my eyesight.

You have no idea how much I'm rejoicing at the very thought of that!