Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Tim's Daily Notes

I've been consuming too much space with piddly little items. Ergo henceforth I shall put my little piddly stuff into a Notes post like this one.

The More I Surf... the more I encounter people who are obsessed with driving religion into basements and caves.

To Wit: Alieniloquent: Separation of Church and State

Tampatantrum: This is really very odd. And unsafe for work.

Scouting needs support.

Run for Governor : At run-for-governor.org, visitors are exhorted to jam up the recall process with more than 1,000 candidates. The reasoning: "Campaign pundits have estimated that the well-heeled candidates will spend as little as $10 million on their campaigns in the special election." Jeepers creepers - protesting an election because the candidates won't spend enough money on getting elected. And it will cost California money to run the election. Ten bucks says this same guy supports taxpayer-funded elections. The more one supports Democrats, the more one must twist one's mind to get around reality into that special world where it's Liberalism Uber Alles.

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