Thursday, March 02, 2023

Dude, you got what you voted for

 Jews are vanishing from institutions?  The institutions that Democrats have controlled for decades?  The Democrats who have been villainizing Jews for decades?

Huh.  I'd like to give a fuck, but I don't have a single fuck to give.

You feel it like a slow moving pressure system, an anxiety of exclusion and downward mobility. Maybe you first noticed it at your workplace. Or maybe it hit when you or your children applied to college or graduate school. It could have been something as simple as opening up the Netflix splash page. It’s gauche to count but you can’t help yourself: In academia, Hollywood, Washington, even in New York City—anywhere American Jews once made their mark—our influence is in steep decline.

Jews in America have been reflexively voting Democrat for as long as I've been alive, and that's longer than I care to admit right now.  Democrats support the Palestinian terrorists?  Jews vote for them.  Democrats march and call Israel "nazis" and all kinds of other bullshit?  Jews voted for them.  Democrats advance and promote anti-sematic goals and politicians like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib?  Jews voted for them, supported them, donated to them, and pledged allegiance to them.

And now the Democrats are wiping Jews out of the institutions they control, after the Jews mindlessly kept voting for them?  Boo fucking hoo.  Oh well.  The Democrats could introduce a piece of legislation that involves Zyklon-B and crematoriums, and the Jews in America would march into the voting booth time and time again to vote Democrat.

I cannot stop people from voting for their own extinction.


Anonymous said...

"I cannot stop people from voting for their own extinction." Blacks have been proving that statement for decades.

CT Ginger said...

There is NO honorable reason to vote for ANY democrat. It’s hard enough to find a Republican that doesn’t sicken me but ALL democrats are criminals.