Friday, December 30, 2022

Couple of tabs I've had open for a while

 And they tie together:  The Pentagon's Leadership Failure, and Woke and Broke US Army is now accepting recruits that it wouldn't touch a few years ago.

Let’s sum up the state of America’s military brass with one appalling comparison between how the admirals, generals, and civilian leaders chose to treat two different service members. One is a young naval officer, Lieutenant Ridge Alkonis, a family man who fell unconscious due to a medical condition while driving and accidentally killed two people in a tragic crash and was railroaded into a Japanese prison for three years. The other one is a creepy pervert who was an Army full colonel who put on puppy sex gear – yeah, that’s a thing – over his uniform in social media pics, and who maintained a litter of similarly bizarre subordinate soldiers/degenerate weirdos. 

Now, which one of these do you think our current military leadership is still paying?

You get a medal if you guessed Colonel Kink. Or a Milkbone, as the case may be.

The military's leadership has signaled for years who and what they were and what they wanted to do to the military.  Mark fucking Milley should have been tossed out on his ass when he put a racist diatribe on the recommended reading list and said he wanted to understand "White Rage".

Really?  You want to understand "White Rage"?  Here, let me break it down for you.  White Rage is what happens when one of the strongest, most trusted institutions in America gets turned into a woke social-justice experiment by corrupt piece of shit cocksucking politicians like Mark fucking Milley.

The woke "anti-domestic-radical" training that happened with Drooling Joe came in?  That was backed and supported by the military's so-called "leadership".  The fucking jab mandate?  Lloyd Austin, that fucking piece of talking shit, STILL thinks the jabs are needed.  I don't know how fucking retarded you can be, but Lloyd Austin constantly sinks to new lows in the retardation department.  But he's just another ass-kissing political worm and has been his entire career.  That's how he got his job.  Expecting Lloyd Austin to actually give a fuck about the troops is asking a pig to fly.  And that only happens with a sufficient amount of C4, which coincidently is exactly how I'd like Lloyd Austin to be ejected from the Pentagon.

So given that the military leadership is a pathetic shitshow of idiots, narcissists and corrupt political fuckstains, story number two should come as no big shock.

Being all uber-woke you can be has just about brought the Army to its knees. In this day and age, they’ve fallen so far down the rabbit hole anymore that they can’t get anyone who’s their normal target recruit to sign up to save their lives. Or anyone else’s, for that matter. Their recruiting numbers are dismal.

If someone asked me whether or not they should join the Army, I couldn't give them a yes right now.  I'd tell them to wait a couple of years and see how things shake out.  Why would I encourage anyone to join an organization where the leaders are unaccountable, back-stabbing bags of shit who only do what's politically convenient?  Why would I encourage anyone to join an organization that will throw you under the bus in order to get their stock portfolios to go up?  Why would I encourage anyone to join an organization who's top brass would leave Americans to die in a foreign country for political expediency?

I may have written about this already, but when I was Specialist Dave at Ft Riley, if someone lost a pair of NODs (Night Optical Devices, aka night vision) in the training area, that unit would STAY in the field until they were found.  And if the platoon or company couldn't find it, they would bring out the entire BATTALION and march them through the training area at double-arm interval until those NODs were found.

And in the end, if the NODs were not found, it was career over both for the Soldier who lost them, and his commander.

Mark fucking Milley left over 12,000 sets of NODs behind in Afghanistan when he ran away like the pathetic little fucking bitch he is.  Nobody has been held accountable for that.  Nobody lost their career.  Not one single "leader" has been called on the carpet for throwing away two decades of blood and sweat and tears.  The Taliban were using a US Army Blackhawk helicopter to dangle a corpse above Kabul.  A helicopter that we left behind in our mad rush to fuck things up even worse than anyone could imagine, and Mark fucking Milley was handing out awards last month to the commands who orchestrated that fuckup.  They got rewarded for their fuckup, and the people in charge all sit around doing one big circle jerk of ribbons and awards for each other.  Meanwhile, Soldiers who don't want to take an unapproved clot-shot get treated like shit and kicked out, or told that they're "extremists" for not wanting to read Mark fucking Milley's white rage book club, or demeaned for pointing out that taking in trannys, people with a 45% suicide rate whether they get their dicks chopped off or not, isn't going to help the military kill the enemy.

You think the young kids today don't see that?  You think all the vets and retirees watching don't see what's going on?  You think they're not telling their kids the very same thing I'm saying?  And keep in mind that military service is now a generational thing - kids join the military because someone in their family was in the military.  If those relatives are now saying "Hey, why don't you check out a trade school instead?" then those kids are probably going to listen.

At this point I'm of the opinion that almost every single flag officer needs to be handed their walking papers.  Bring in actual leaders.  Get the politics out of the military, or watch the military continue to fail.  Got forbid we get into a hot war with China.  The 69th Intersectional Dildo Brigade ain't gonna do diddly-squat against people who actually train how to fight. (Thank you Big Country for that little nugget of laughs)  

Gah.  Other than firing everyone in charge right now I don't have a whole lot of answers.  I'm glad I'm retiring now, before Drooling Joe's puppet masters fumblefuck us into a shooting war either with Russia or China or God knows who.  

1 comment:

tsquared said...

Good write up.