Tuesday, September 06, 2022

I got nothing today

 I'm friggin' burnt.  Even on my days off I'm busy.  I keep thinking about the trip to Sturgis.  Not the town per se.  Hell, I spent a few hours there and that was enough.  I don't need to go back.   But the sheer joy of waking up, looking at a map and saying "Yeah, I'll go here today".  No schedule, no people I had to be responsible for, it was a joy.

In a few more months, that'll be a reality for just a little bit more.  And then back to the grind.  But damn, I could use some more of that.  

1 comment:

George Mckay said...

Dave, if you have a house that needs as much work as ours you will never lack for something to do. I enjoy retirement so much it makes me wonder why or how anybody could not do so.

We love to cruise but, have not been able to do it since 2019. We will get back into it once the "projects" are done.

It may take a bit but, getting out of the rat race was the best thing I ever did.