Friday, August 05, 2022

Another long weekend

 So I'm going to load a few posts because I sure as shit won't have much time for anything else but the Army.

So I've been perusing this:  Jesus would have hung out in a dive bar.

Some of these people live (I am sure, but I don’t ask) in irregular sexual relationships, as Catholics understand it, and perhaps enjoy illegal substances as well as substantial amounts of alcohol. Though many of the older patrons grew up Catholic, no one, as far as I can tell, ever goes into a church.

I like them all. They’re likable people. In fact, I like them better than most Catholics I know.

They are the same kind of people, I’m guessing, that Jesus ate with. I think that Jesus ate at his equivalent of our dive bar because he liked the people. Not just loved them, but liked them, enjoyed them for themselves, took pleasure in their company and felt happy just hanging out with them.

I hang out at a karaoke bar some Fridays.  The people are pretty chill.  There might not be anyone I'd want to invite over for dinner, but I enjoy sitting around, drinking a beer and shooting the shit with them.  Cracking jokes.  Just relaxing.  I can't see why Jesus wouldn't enjoy the same kind of social interaction.

1 comment:

pigpen51 said...

I have always tried to tell other Christians this same thing. If Jesus were to come back and just spend some time on earth again, he would not hobnob with the rich and well to do upper class, but would instead, hang out in the dive bars and spend time with the hookers and the homeless in the big cities. Again, not because of just his love for them, but because He simply would rather spend His time around that type of real people and not fake ones.
When He was on the earth before, that was the ones that He spent most of the time with, the poor working class, the whores, and the non religious people who the upper class, and the high and mighty pillars of the temple looked down on, and treated as if they were gum on the bottom of their shoe.
Most of the time, Christians that I share this opinion with will seem to agree with me, but I can see in their eyes or the way that they act, that they really don't believe it, like how could I think that Jesus would ever sit and have a meal with some sinner, like they forget the tale of Zaccheus, and how He picked him out of all the people who He could have chosen, to go to his house and eat a meal with. And how Zaccheus was so moved with Jesus' act of kindness to him that he repented of his old nature, and was recreated in Jesus image, in a manner of speaking, to become decent and kind and not the theiving person that he used to be.
Looking at just how He attracted people to Himself, Jesus must have been a very powerful presence, with a magnetic personality that brought people to Himself, simply out of a sense of wanting to be close to Him.