Monday, June 13, 2022

These fucking fuckers need to step off right the fuck now

 Fuck off with that bullshit.

It was news that sent shudders through every person who supports the Second Amendment: Ten Republican senators have signed on to a “framework” that will allegedly improve gun safety in America. You can guess who these RINOs are—it’s the same bunch who will always agree to limit American rights to keep up with their friends on the Democrat side of the aisle. And while there are a couple of good ideas in the framework, the rest of it is either useless, harmful, and/or unconstitutional.

There is no limit on firearms that will prevent the mass murders from happening.  If the nutjobs can't get a gun, they'll use a car like that racist shitbag in Wisconsin who drove through a parade (and my didn't he fall off the news rather quickly?)  Or they'll use some home-made bombs like the terrorist shitbags who blew up the Boston Marathon.

Gun are not the problem here.  Crazy people are the problem.  A government who doesn't follow its own laws in the problem, i.e. why the fuck is Hunter Biden still walking around when he lied on his background check and illegally purchased a gun?  Yes, I know that's a rhetorical question.  When Leftist allow criminals, FELONS WHO HAVE GUNS, to walk out of a courthouse without bail because of Leftist reasons, that's the problem.  Guns themselves are not the problem, and the more I see of the Left, the more I refuse to budge one single inch on my right to keep and bear arms.  I will not concede one single bit to the people who want to eliminate me and remove me from society because I refused to take an experimental shot for a virus that wouldn't kill me.

We've seen what the Left wants to do all over the globe.  The one thing stopping them from doing that here is guns in the hands of private citizens.  I will never give that up.


Anonymous said...

If that last little shit in Uvalde had a musket he still could have killed over 200 kids in the time the police took to go in.
Johnny Gee

Drumwaster said...

"I refuse to bargain possession of my gun collection with someone who literally wanted me to die because I didn't want to take their shot."

MSG Grumpy said...

I'm sorry, but why in the world would I let a Federal Government disarm me (A Law Abiding American Citizen) after they just got done giving 80 Billion US Tax payer funded latest and greatest Military firearms and technology to a Terrorist Army?
You wanna collect guns from bad guys...
Start with the Taliban.
Then we can talk, til then...
AND for ALL of our Rinos (One of them is from my state (Sen Cornyn)...
If it wasn't for treasonous back stabbing Rinos like these,
The demoncrats wouldn't have the votes to push their Anti-American plots.
But these spineless weasels can't stand not to be invited to the cool-guy parties in DC.
May the Good Lord Have Mercy on their souls...
Cause they shouldn't expect any from Law Abiding Americans.

MSG Grumpy