Sunday, May 29, 2022

The Vaxholes need to pay for what they've done

 Because they knew damn good and well what would happen.

A recently released confidential document reveals that a startling majority of in utero babies died after pregnant women were injected with the Pfizer vaccine.

Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) requested documents related to vaccine licensing via a Freedom of Information Act Request, then sued the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In early January 2022, a federal judge ordered the FDA incrementally release the documents it claimed would take decades to process. PHMPT has posted Pfizer’s confidential documents as they have become available.

In the most recent release, on May 2, 2022, a document titled ‘reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf’ disclosed on page 12 that by February 8, 2021, 270 women had received the mRNA injection during pregnancy. But 238 cases were apparently not followed (“no outcome provided”). And, therefore, the pregnancy outcomes for those women are unknown.

So they jab pregnant women with the non-vax.  Of the cases they followed and reported on, a majority of the babies died in utero.  So they just decide to not follow up in the other cases.  You can't report on what you refuse to see, can you?

This shit right here should be reason enough to charge every person running Pfizer with murder, multiple times over.

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