Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Got all the small engine maintenance done

 Also took the tire off the tractor and brought it in to the tractor tire place in town, as the tire won't hold any air.

They called up their supplier to order a new tire.  Sure, yeah, it'll be there...

By August first.


1 August 2022.  Fuck me gently.  I'll order two so we can just deal with both front tires at once.  Holy crapballs.  Four fucking months to get a tire replaced.

Gonna go split more wood now.

UPDATE:  They did some repair magic to the tire, so hopefully it holds.  If not, well...August 1st.

I didn't get as much done as I wanted to do, but it seemed every time I turned around there another thing that needed attention.  Mom's running ragged trying to take care of dad and the house, so she was thrilled to have me here to do all the crap that she couldn't do.  All the maintenance.  The tractor tire.  Picking up supplies to build a coop.  Dump runs.  

I'll be back up here next month doing the same things.

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