Friday, May 13, 2022

Democrats hate you and want you (and your baby) to die

 Baby formula for illegal aliens, but none for you.

In a Facebook video, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) made a blood-boiling accusation: Even as American parents face the prospect of being unable to feed their infant children adequately amid a worsening baby formula shortage, the Biden administration has been shipping pallets of formula to the Mexican border to hand out free of charge to foreign nationals who enter the country illegally.

Baby going hungry?  Oh well!  I guess you'll just have to suffer.  Illegal alien babies?  They get all the formula.

The FBI has no idea how that mass shooter happened, but they're all over parents concerned about what their kids are learning.

But whistleblowers told GOP members of the House Judiciary Committee that that’s exactly what Garland did. Indeed, the witnesses say, “dozens” of people were investigated using the Patriot Act counterterrorism tools at the FBI’s disposal.

Ultimately, charges weren’t pursued, note the GOP senators in a letter they sent to Attorney General Garland on Wednesday. But the FBI subjected “these moms and dads to the opening of an FBI investigation about them, the establishment of an FBI case file that includes their political views, and the application of a ‘threat tag’ to their names as a direct result of their exercise of their fundamental constitutional right to speak and advocate for their children.”

Yeah, charges weren't ultimately filed because people got word of this bullshit before it could reach its conclusion.  And let's not forget that the PROCESS IS THE PUNISHMENT.  Why file charges if you can throw people in jail for as long as you want like the January 6th protestors?  Or call up their employers and ask suggestive questions?  Or try to entrap people and then arrest them as domestic terrorists?

The Left has weaponized the US Government against us.  And the Left hates us and wants us to die.

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