Monday, March 14, 2022

You throw a stone into a pack of dogs

 And the hit dog always yelps.

You can always tell how insular a person has become in their politics when a term that has been used regularly regarding a topic that has been in the news for years strikes them as something "new."

In this case, what the media-bubble-dweller has missed is the fact that people who talk to five-year-olds about sex are called "groomers".

Yeah.  So the Florida bill that currently has the left in shrieking fits, the one they say is the "Don't say Gay" bill?  Doesn't mention the word "gay" once.  Not once.  What it would do is ensure parental rights don't get squished by the Marxist cabal running the public education system.  But that means that teachers can't sexually groom five year old children in secret.

And that has the Left upset.  Because of course it does.

If you want to read the bill, and it's all of seven pages, it's right here.  Control+F brings back zero results for the word "gay".  Control+F for "parent" brings up 39.  

You see why the Left hates this bill?  If the parents are involved in their child's education, it gets much much harder to groom them and push the Marxist ideology that the publik skool sistim has been drilling into kids' heads.  No wonder the Leftist media hates it.

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