Monday, March 21, 2022

I think this is fantasy porn for political writers

 Biden's handlers are preparing to remove him and Kamala!  Uh, no.  Sorry.

The issue is never the issue. I suspect that Joe Biden is being prepped for ejection. Exactly how it will happen I do not yet know. But he is on the threshold, or possibly has even passed the threshold, where he could appear to govern. His minders understand this. They must be the ones to replace him, otherwise they themselves risk being replaced, which would be intolerable. As I say, it’s not entirely clear yet how the defenestration will take place. Obviously, Kamala will have to be dealt with first, and she will be. Look for some ground softening stories such as the Times just served up about the laptop. They won’t be long in coming. 

Who's next in line?  That fucking whore veep.  And when I say whore, I mean she got her start in politics by being the mayor's mistress in exchange for political appointments.  That's when she wasn't fucking Montel Williams in order to get in front of a camera.  She got to where she is primarily by laying flat on her back and letting men fuck her, and it shows.  If she was from some other state, or even some other part of California, she never would have been elected dog catcher.  It took the perfect storm of stupidity, indoctrination, one-party communist rule and bad luck for our nation in order for that fucking whore Harris to get elected.

And everybody knows it.  She's a disaster every time she opens her whore mouth.  She's got no skills.  She can't talk without cackling.  She's not intelligent enough to think on her feet.  She can't answer questions without freezing like a deer in headlights and trying to pawn off the answers on someone else (like the Polish Prime Minister when she was asked a question about US Domestic policy!)

Everybody knows that Kamala would be just as much of a disaster for the National Socialist Democrat Worker's Party as Drooling Joe the Chinese Hand Puppet.  So who's after that in the line of succession, you ask?  Granny Rictus McBoxwine.

A drunken rambling bitch who's got her claws into the reins of power but can't control her own party any more.  She's at the stage where she has enough power to damage her own people but not enough power to keep them in line, which is why the new socialist queen Alexandria Donkey-Chompers McBigtits is running the show.  America's dumbest bartender and her squad are setting DNC policy while Granny Rictus keeps the graft money and insider trading flowing.  Yay.

So you have a drooling Chinese hand puppet in charge, a dumb whore next in line, and a senile alcoholic for your third.

You think that anyone is removing Drooling Joe for the whore or the senile alcoholic?  Ain't happening.  There's no upside.  It's just a dumpster fire all the way down the line.  The Democrats are like a dog that finally caught the car they've been chasing.  They have no clue what to do now.  They got exactly what they wanted in November of 2020 through their fraud.  We are all suffering as a result.  The only thing we can do now, and given current events I truly believe this...  the ONLY singular thing we can do now is make the Democrats suffer to the max for the damage they have caused, because there's no reversing it at this stage.  So make them pay.  Make them feel every bit of it.  

I highly doubt they're removing Joe Biden.  They don't have any better options.  If they do remove him, you can expect the shitshow to pick up speed as it rolls downhill.  It's one disaster after another.

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