Monday, February 07, 2022

This is how we go from "Back the Blue" to "Fuck the Fascists" in record time

 Canadian police seize fuel from Trucker convey protesters.

Video from Ottawa shows heavily armed tactical police units move in to take fuel supplies from the Canadian Truckers during their Freedom Protest.

Let this serve as yet another example of how police units will respond to carry out the orders of government officials regardless of what laws, limits or duties ordinary citizens may project upon them.

You can be damn sure that the police just turned more than a few supporters into opposition.  Oh, they were just following orders?  Oh, they might lose their jobs if they refused?  You mean how people have lost their jobs due to vax mandates that the truckers are protesting?

Just we we can be clear:  Police used the threat of violence in order to steal fuel from civilians who were protesting the government mandates.  When you show up with guns and you take something that doesn't belong to you for no other reason than the government told you to do it, you can no longer call yourselves the good guys.

And when you make peaceful protest impossible, you make violence inevitable.  And make no mistake, despite what Fidel Castro's bastard son Trudeau says, this protest is completely peaceful, unlike the Antifa and BLM riots we've seen in America.  So what does Castro Jr. do?  Send in the cops.

Yeah.  That'll go over well.

1 comment:

Glypto Dropem said...

Like father, like son.