Wednesday, February 09, 2022

I wonder what to call this

 How about Whoreshit?  I got a little letter in my email yesterday from the Secretary of the Army.

About the only thing I could say after reading that pile of word garbage is WHAT FUCKING HORSE SHIT!  If it's not an ode to the most woke fucking garbage that the Marxists have foisted on this country, then it's meaningless political babble from some commie cunt who knows that her job is to destroy the military from the top down.  

Point 1 - a "sustainable strategic path"?  What the fuck does that even mean?  It's bullshit word salad with no meaning behind it, much like almost every proclamation from this administration.

Point 2 - Become more data-centric?  Operated in contested environments?  Hey lady, I'm not sure anyone has filled you in on this last little part, but in combat EVERYTHING IS A CONTESTED ENVIRONMENT!

Point 3 - face climate change.  Uh.  Tell me you're a brainwashed indoctrinated commie without using the words brainwashed indoctrinated commie.  Here's a clue to the clueless:  the climate has always changed.  It will always change.  And that gigantic thermonuclear explosion happening in the middle of our solar system is the cause.  Not human activity.  And assuming that mankind WAS causing climate change, whaddya gonna do about it?  Deal with the worst polluter on the planet, CHINA?  Yeah, like Drooling Joe and his puppet masters are going to do anything against the country that owns them lock stock and barrel?  Please.

Point 4 - "build positive command climates".  Positive for whom, exactly?  The Taliban?  Gen. Milley did love to give the Taliban a pretty positive climate.

Point 5 - "reduce harmful behaviors in the Army".  Oh joy.  Another fucking mommy to tell me what to do.  Guess what lady, I already have a mommy, and she's more intelligent than you, more patriotic than you, and far better at teaching people how to defend this country than you.  I don't need a governmental mommy to guide me.  So go fuck yourself.

Point 6 - "adapt the way we recruit and retain talent in the Army".  Yeah.  Like mandating a fucking jab that's causing an massive uptick in various illnesses in the Army?  Like that utterly woke and pathetic "Corporal has two mommies" ad that proved we're wasting our advertising money?

I gotta retire.  This shit here is going to drive me up the fucking wall.  And I'm NOT going to be on the front lines if this is the level of "leadership" that the Army has.  They'll get people slaughtered in whole lots.

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