Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Our military is pretty much fucked

 We do not have serious military leadership.  Instead, we have woke idiots and clueless puppets.

President Joe Biden’s nominee for the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told the Senate “gender advisers” for combat troops are critical to the United States’ success, a position some veterans say is nothing more than a left-wing initiative that distracts from the military’s core duties.

The revelation came during a Dec. 8 exchange with Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D., N.H.), who asked how Adm. Christopher Grady intends to implement “women, peace, and security” legislation within the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“The role of a gender adviser is a way to attack a very significant issue, and if confirmed, I look forward to leveraging those advisers who can make me think better and smarter about the issues that you raise,” Grady said. “So I look forward to, if confirmed, understanding that ecosystem and helping advance that cause going forward again.”

There is no better fighting man than a US military man.  But our leadership is pathetic, broken, woke and stupid.  And this will lead to our troops being mauled in any serious combat, because the military leadership cares more about gender advisers and tranny training than they do about winning wars.  Any war we got into at this point would end up looking like Afghanistan, only worse.  Americans abandoned, our allies discarded, our enemies dancing in the streets with our military equipment while the Stunning and Brave military leadership refused to accept any blame and simply shifted the topic.  I know it.  You know it.  Kurt Schlichter knows it.

That includes our current military leadership, who have given us no reason to believe they could competently execute large-scale combat operations against a peer competitor like Russia. People talk like we would win this fight walking away. Why would they think that? If you go to the Army War College today and you ask the aspiring generals, “What is America’s greatest strategic threat today?," half of these colonels will obediently answer “Climate change.” An officer corps that thinks the weather is more dangerous than the People’s Liberation Army is not leading a serious military. A military where a ruined billion-dollar ship’s crew did not have firefighting training, but which you can say with 100% certainly that each crewman had trans awareness training, is not a serious military. 

It's going to take a bloodbath to clear out the political bitches and woke fuckstains, and that's still no guarantee of success.  I don't know what the next conflict is.  I just know that with this leadership, we're going to lose.


p2 said...

Military senior leadership in the last 60 years have been nothing but politicians. Once they make O-6 it’s a game of who’s ass can I kiss best to make my next star? There’s zero thought for the actual mission and those who have to accomplish it. That’s the reason I turned down E-8 and retired at 20. The main task of the military is blowing stuff up & breaking things….who cares what color the GI doing that is? As long as you can put the right ordnance on the right target at the right time, be anydamn thing you want.

Ragin' Dave said...

I'm looking forward to retirement. That's all I can say.

Anonymous said...

Last month they stood up our DEI (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) office on base. Fist thing out the chute they wanted to do a base wide ADA survey. They said to "help" our civilians. Not a one of them is certified or licensed, nor are they even civil engineering. It is clear their goal is to create issues as opposed to fixing anything.