Monday, December 20, 2021

Fauci is the pathetic little worm we all knew he was.

 The Mini-Mengele is about as "scientific" as the Weekly World News and their Batboy stories.

Multiple sources, and particularly Scott Atlas’s recently-published account of his time on the task force, have noted that Fauci often relies on aides to curate lists of sources in advance of his many media appearances. He seldom reads the scientific literature on Covid-19 himself, and instead arrives at meetings with staff-prepared talking points. It appears that Folker’s email was an answer to one such request for talking points to attack the GBD scientists.

Note that Fauci frequently portrays himself as a staunch defender of science who stays above the political divide and remains outside of partisan debates. In light of that, you might expect that Folker’s response to Fauci’s request would yield a small sample of scientific analysis on the logic behind lockdowns, even if only in a format bullet pointed by his staff. But you’d be wrong. Folkers sent Fauci a list of seven political op-eds and articles opposing the GBD from popular media outlets.

So yeah. Science.

Not only is Little Fascist Fauci NOT a real doctor in any sense of the word, he's nothing but a narcissistic government worm who's literally and directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans who could have been treated with over the counter drugs, but instead were allowed to die in hospitals because the so-called SCIENCE refused to listen to actual doctors.  In fact, he got other doctors shut down because he is SCIENCE and who else does he need, right?

This fucking guy should be rotting in jail for his crimes.  


Drumwaster said...

Not rotting in jail. Rotting in a gibbet hanging out in the open for the birds to peck at, pour encourager les autres.

Liam said...

That disgusting little fraud Fauci slandering eminent, distinguished and honourable men and women of science and reason like Martin Kulldorff, Sunetra Gupta and Jay Bhattacharya makes me want to vomit. Kulldorff - probably the leading epidemiologist alive today - actually had his Twitter account suspended by some little shit of a "fact checker" with pronouns in his bio for "misinformation."

Ragin' Dave said...

Drum - stop giving me fantasies.

Anonymous said...

Definitely a gibberish. They don’t deserve a gallows

Ragin' Dave said...

So what DO they deserve? A chopping block. Guillotine?