Monday, November 08, 2021

Fuck you, Google. Fuck you, Blogger. Fuck you, fuck your whore of a mother and fuck the father you never knew because he didn't pay for the first time

 Blogger just unpublished five of my posts that questioned the vax narrative, including the post that revealed Italy revising it's Kung Flu numbers down from 150,00 to around 3000.

I'm so fucking pissed off right now I can't form words.

Anyone have recommendations for a blogging platform?  I will NOT be controlled by a fucking Big Brother Marxist piece of anti-American dick drippings. 


Adrienne said...

Yep - you made me go look at my dashboard and they've unpublished one of my articles too. What to do and where to go? I have no earthly idea. Hopefully, someone else will tell us.

SWVAguy said...

Go to Locals. I don't know how much, or if, they charge, but they're totally uncensored. Founded by Dave Rubin.

Francis W. Porretto said...

Want to join my Co-Conspirators at Liberty's Torch, Dave? You'd be welcome.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's finally time to start shooting the bastards.
Your thoughts, Claire Wolf?


SWVAguy said...

Try Locals. I don't know if they charge to set up a channel, but there's no censorship.

Ragin' Dave said...

I'll find another platform. Lots of folks seem to be jumping ship on blogger, for good reason. My problem is that I'm not a tech guy. So building another blog from scratch is going to be difficult for me.

Ragin' Dave said...

Mr. Porretto, you run a clean house over there. Do you really want my ranting and foul mouth associated with it?

Driftwood said...

Try rumble.Dan Bongino

Ragin' Dave said...

I actually use Rumble, but it's a video platform and not a blogging platform.