Thursday, September 23, 2021

I have to say that my faith in the medical community is long gone.

 Although that started several years ago, watching my parents go through their own private hell of incompetent doctors, the past two years have finished off what trust I have.

You hear it, too.  In private conversations with people they trust, American citizens are heaping contempt on doctors for forcing a narrative on us that had no basis in science.  Many of us, perhaps even the majority, immediately recognized this virus for what it is: a common flu virus maybe engineered to be more contagious if not more fatal but hardly differing substantially from other influenza strains.  We have lived with seasonal flu all our lives.  We saw no reason to fear it until the medical community, and Anthony Fauci specifically, started telling lies. 

And once the lies started, they never stopped.

In defense of part of the medical community, there were quite a few doctors and medical professionals who spoke out against the COVID lies.  Who told the truth about Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.  They were censored, silenced, and shut down.  The rest of the medical community should have stood up right there and said "Nope, you don't get to do that."  I do feel pity for all the doctors out there who tried to do the right thing.  But they were overwhelmingly shut down by other doctors who either didn't know what the right actions would be, or that knew and refused to do so for personal gain, be it money, fame or ego.  

If you listened to the Joe Rogan clip I posted a few days ago, there's at lest one doctor speaking the truth, and we could have shut down this entire scamdemic if doctors like him had been listened to.  But the rest of the medical community willingly spread the lies.  And people died, needlessly.

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