Thursday, September 30, 2021

Counseling response

 So, everyone in the Army who turns down the jab or requests a Religious Accommodation like I have has to be counseled.  "Developmental Counseling"  DA Form 4856.  Counseling is fairly standard.  Junior Soldiers get counseled every month, NCOs every quarter.

But this?  This counseling is nothing but the gummint talking points laid out on paper.  "The Covid-19 vaccine will SAVE LIVES and blah blah blah."  I got pissed off just reading it.  So I wrote a two-page response:  

I have requested a Religious Accommodation Request for theological reasons.  I also believe that there are plenty of sound, logical reasons to avoid getting any of the Covid-19 vaccinations currently available in the USA, and I will address those issues below.  Since none of the arguments laid out below have their basis in theology, I opted to leave them out of my religious request.  However, in the larger scheme of things it is important to acknowledge not only my religious basis for my request, but also the simple logical arguments against getting the vaccines, as well as exposing the mis-truths, half-truths and outright lies being used to push this mandate down on the US military.


If the purpose of the Covid-19 vaccines is to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus, then by any and all measures these vaccines have failed.  These vaccines do not prevent infection, nor do they prevent transmission.  Joe Biden, in an incoherent babbling speech, claimed that they needed to “protect the vaccinated against the un-vaccinated”.  This is not how actual vaccination works in the real world.  If the vaccine works, then the vaccinated don’t need protecting from the unvaccinated.  I am in no danger of infection from people with polio, or typhoid, or tetanus, or hepatitis, because I have been vaccinated against those diseases by actual, working vaccines that prevent the spread of infection.  It is clear that the same cannot be said for any of the Covid-19 vaccines, and any claim that these vaccines will prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus is, at this point, a bald-faced lie. I do not appreciate someone lying to me, and I am under no obligation to join the delusional liars in their fantasy land of unicorn rainbow farts and make-believe protection.


The other laughable claim being made by the same liars who say this vaccine is effective is that it is “safe”.  This is another bold-faced lie by people who don’t have the faintest idea of whether or not this vaccine is safe.  There is no data.  There have been no long-term studies, there have been no long-term clinical trials.  Any tests done on the Covid-19 vaccines was rushed and short term, with control groups being effectively destroyed after the rushed, shoddy and short-term trials.  The best statement that could be made regarding the Covid-19 vaccine long-term safety is “We don’t know”.  But that would require honesty in our government officials who are pushing this vaccine, and honesty is the last attribute that any of them could possess.  A simple search of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System shows not only thousands of cases of adverse events such as Bell’s Palsy, paralysis, Guillen-Barre Syndrome and other adverse health effects, but there are thousands of deaths reported due to the Covid-19 vaccines.  Are these adverse events rare?  As a percentage of the people who got vaccinated, yes.  But the fatality rate for Covid-19, especially among military members, is also rare.  If a rare chance of dying from a virus is enough to force everyone to get a vaccine, what then is the response to the adverse side effects?  A yawn, apparently, because asking senior military leaders to actually care about the service members they command would just be asking far too much in today’s military.  At this point there are more active duty service members who have developed myocarditis as a result of the Covid-19 vaccination than service members who have died of Covid-19.  Given that someone who had acute myocarditis can expect other long-term heart failure issues to crop up in later years, this country has given more service members heart failure via the vaccines than have died of the Covid-19 virus.  The government halted the use of the Johnson and Johnson vaccines over seven incidents of blood clotting, but myocarditis, pericarditis, death and other issues apparently don’t matter.


The claim that the vaccines that I have been ordered to take have been approved by the FDA is yet another bold-faced lie by the liars who have already proven that cannot be trusted.  The vaccine that the FDA approved is the Comirnaty vaccine, authorized for use in the European Union.  The Pfizer vaccine used in the USA is not the Comirnaty vaccine.  The claim being made by the FDA is that it is a “legally distinct, but chemically identical” vaccine.  If it’s chemically identical, then why did they not simply approve the vaccine that Pfizer already has?  If there is no difference between the two, why have it remain “legally distinct”?  It is yet another area of uncertainty, brought by the people who have proven that they possess neither the slightest shred of honesty or integrity.


               The claim that these vaccines are effective is a lie.  The claims that these vaccines are safe is another lie.  And the claims that the Pfizer vaccine available in the USA was approved by the FDA is yet another lie.  I am sick and tired of being lie to, and I am absolutely sick to my stomach to see these vaccines being pushed despite the fact that they do not work in their proclaimed task of stopping the spread of the Covid-19 virus.  I am appalled that the military is ignoring the risks associated with these vaccines and I am outraged that the senior military leaders are demanding that I throw away my morals and beliefs in order to maintain my military service.  It is a disgusting display of cowardice and hypocrisy that the people ordering these vaccinations are demanding that all the risk being taken is laid upon the people who are being ordered to get the shots.  There is no risk or responsibility laid on the senior military leaders, government officials, or vaccine manufacturers.  All of those entities have been given protection and immunity from the results of their actions.  Only the service member being ordered to get the shot takes the risk.  This abhorrent situation goes against every example of leadership that I was ever taught in my 25 year Army career.  This is not just a failure of leadership, this is a crumbling of the moral foundations that military leadership requires, and exposes the rot and corruption that has thoroughly permeated the upper echelons of military leadership.  There may come a day when not compromising on your morals or integrity may once again be important to the US Army, but that day will not come so long as the current senior leadership is in charge, as that leadership does not possess any honesty or integrity and wouldn’t even know what those values look like.


               In conclusion, I have little hope of my Religious Accommodation request being granted, because it is becoming clear that this mandate has everything to do with politics and pushing a narrative, and nothing to do with actual safety, health or prevention of disease.  But if (when) that denial comes down, I will exit my military service with my head held high, secure in the knowledge that I have not compromised my morals or integrity.  Maybe one day the Army will want people with integrity again.  

I wonder how that will be received if it ever makes it up out of my unit.  It's me just screaming at the abyss, but sometimes you just have to do that for your mental health.


Glypto Dropem said...

When there is an agenda to follow, beating libtards over the head with facts are truly meaningless. Whether we're talking crime, gun rights, the Chink-Bug and the "Not-A-Vaxx" jab, stolen elections, or as was in my case... diversity.

In the early `90's, I wrote a two page letter to the president of the company I worked for at the time telling them how flawed promoting diversity in general and their "program" both were. The basic premise was that Dr. King had a dream. His quote: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." So how does corporate diversity work? First they separate everyone by sex, skin color, ethnicity, religion, etc. They count how many of each and proclaim either "Look how many X WE HAVE!!" or lament "We must hire/promote more X to meet some arbitrary number so we can brag about how diverse we are!" regardless of how qualified a candidate actually is. As a senior technical employee, I did not send this letter anonymously. I wanted them to know EXACTLY from whom it came. I never heard a peep and am sure it was intercepted, read, and destroyed before ever reaching the president.

OTH... I was part of a discrimination lawsuit brought by one of my black co-workers. He had been lamenting the fact that he had not been promoted, while others that had been hired with him and after him had. Willie was a hard worker and knew his stuff. When he asked us what we thought about not being promoted, we told him it was because he was black and the others were all white. Well, he lawyered up and filed a complaint. I was deposed as a witness by HR and the lawyers. When asked if I thought Willie was being discriminated against, I asked them what are he and all of us supposed to think? The guy works hard, knows his job well, and has never been disciplined. He has been passed over numerous times and the only thing different than the others was that he was black. They were freaking pissed because we all basically said the same thing with no coordination and they thought we would say something favoring the company. A couple months later, Willie was offered the Tech II test, passed, and got his long overdue promotion.

p2 said...

Interesting read here....

Army flight doc. When your own medicos are saying this is a bad idea, maybe it’s a bad idea.

Drumwaster said...

There was a recently popularized case where a (white male) computer engineer with 12 years of experience applied at DuckDuckGo and was summarily rejected. He resubmitted an application, claiming to be a black lesbian with a mere five years of experience, in an application filled with basic spelling and grammatical errors, and admitting that "she" may or may not be in the country legally.

Advanced to second round of interviews.

Ragin' Dave said...

P2 - I'm printing that off and handing it to my CO.