Thursday, May 14, 2020

Wisconsin Supreme Court Action, the temper-tantrum response, and other thoughts.

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has basically told the state government that they still have to follow the Constitution.

n a 4-3 decision, the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the Gov. Tony Evers’ administration’s stay-at-home order. 
The ruling “essentially reopens the state, lifting caps on the size of gatherings, allowing people to travel as they please and allowing shuttered businesses to reopen, including bars and restaurants,” the Associated Press reported. 
Health secretary Andrea Palm had issued the order, and the court found she didn’t have the authority to do so.

And of course, the little tinpot dictator Governor who appointed his little fascist-in-training wasn't so happy about this.

Evers, meanwhile, “reacted angrily” to the ruling, according to the AP. 
“Today, Republican legislators convinced four members of the state Supreme Court to throw the state into chaos,” Evers said. 
“They have provided no plan. There’s no question among anybody that people are going to get sick. Republicans own that chaos.” 
He added, “In the meantime, we’re going to have 72 counties doing their own thing.” 
“I can’t believe there’s a state in the nation with this type of chaos.”

The arrogance and condescension of a Democrat never ceases to amaze me.  Is there something about being a Marxist that makes you sneer and dismiss the abilities of normal people, or it is the ego and unearned sense of moral superiority that makes you a Marxist? 

And Marxists, because of their narcissistic mania and over-grown opinions of their capabilities, are literally incapable of learning from history.  For example, take this article (brought to my attention by Kim du Toit) that describes how Germany pulled itself out of the economic morass of post-WWII devastation.

The ensuing deregulation was dramatic and shocking to occupation forces. As Erhard notes, "It was strictly laid down by the British and American control authorities that permission had to be obtained before any definite price changes could be made. The Allies never seemed to have thought it possible that someone could have the idea, not to alter price controls, but simply to remove them."

The governmental controls didn't revive Germany's economy.  REMOVING THEM revived Germany's economy.

Every time the government steps in to "help", it hurts.  It destroys economies, it destroys health care systems, it destroys cities (see Detroit).  The only thing that can get these kinds of systems and places up and running again is the people, the individuals.  All the government has to do is GET THE HELL OUT OF THEIR WAY.

Democrats can't have that, because that would invalidate their entire political philosophy.  So we get the dipshits like Tony Evers in Wisconsin, who just can't believe that those counties are all going to do their own thing!  Why, I never!  Jeeves, my smelling salts!

What that rotten fart bubble refuses to accept is that THE GOVERNMENT is why things are so screwed up.  THE GOVERNMENT is why some states have higher death rates from the Kung Flu while others have lower (see:  New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania).  THE GOVERNMENT is why the economy was in shambles prior to Trump taking office, and it is the orders from THE GOVERNMENT that destroyed a raging economy in less than two months.

You want to know who can get it back online and humming?  Not The Government.  The Government is a collection of corrupt, stupid, venal, ego-maniacal, lazy shitbags and grifters, from top to bottom.  Oh, your local government might have less of those and more of people who actually are there to help you (my experiences with my county of residence have been quite pleasant in the majority) but once you move out of the realm where your politicians are rubbing elbows with YOU, then that means that they're rubbing elbows with someone else, and all they really care about from you is your vote.  And as long as they can keep the rabble from realizing just how badly fucked they're getting, they can keep getting voted in again and again and again on the same bullshit promises they make every election year.  Think John F'ing McCain or Paul "Backstabber" Ryan.

Individuals, making individual choices without the jackboot of the government on their necks, can save this country from a decades-long economic depression.  The Individual has always been the answer, and everybody knows it.  That's why so many Democrats are doing their best to destroy the individual and their accomplishments; when America does well, the Democrat Party suffers.  When Americans do well, they don't need the gummint to swoop in and save them, which is the primary means that the National Socialist Democrat Workers Party uses to grab power.  The more America suffers, the happier the Democrat Party becomes, because then they can sell their toxic snake oil of socialism to the people under the guise of "helping" them.  But Marxism always leads to re-education camps and economic destruction.

The Individual, unfettered by government stupidity, is the only thing that can save this country. 

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