Thursday, May 28, 2020

These cloth masks are a waste of time

Look, if you're all in an enclosed room, and you think one of you might be sick, then you make the sick person wear a mask.  But walking around with masks does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to protect the healthy people.  Just stop it.

A bar owner in Elgin, Texas, has posted a subtle, but biting, announcement to the mask-wearing scolds who may wander into his establishment. It was so perfectly put that I’m legit thinking of taking a road trip now. Without a mask on, of course.

There are a few businesses that require a mask for me to go in, and I only go there if I have no other options.  Other than that, I'm walking around without a mask on.


Adrienne said...

I finally ordered some stuff from Costco and had my cute UPS guy bring it to me. I will not wear a mask! Period. Costco lost out on all the other stuff I would have bought if I had actually been in the warehouse. So I spent $146.00 instead of $250.00 or so. Works for me.

p2 said...

I work for a medevac company. The "procedural" masks worn during things like surgeries are a 10 micron mask. That piece of fabric Karen has over her RBF has gaps about 50 microns in size. This bullshit bug is 1 micron in size. There is absolutely no point in masks. If your business requires a mask to patronize it, you've lost my business. If you won't let the public in your building, you've lost my business. If I have to call you from your parking lot to do business with you, you've lost my business. Let 'em drown.