Saturday, March 21, 2020

Sent by my dad

He's been "quarantined", due to age and health reasons, but he hasn't caught a darn thing so far.  That's a good thing.  My dad's an introvert.  The older he's gotten, the more introverted he's become.  I'm somewhat following the same track, but he could be quite happy alone in the house for weeks at a time.  In other words, he's been preparing for social distancing his entire life.  "Oh, you mean I get to stay home, eat good food, and don't have to talk to anyone?  SOLD!"


Adrienne said...


I'm going to brave Costco on Monday (skipping the Tue 8 - 9 am old people time) So....if there's anything your parents need let me know.

alanstorm said...

"Oh, you mean I get to stay home, eat good food, and don't have to talk to anyone? SOLD!"

That's pretty much how I live normally...

Ragin' Dave said...

Adrienne - thank you. They're doing fine right now. Dad's got a pantry that will last him months if need be. Mom might go crazy without fresh fruit, but she's been married to dad for over 50 years, so she's already halfway to Koo-Koo.

Adrienne said...

Well your dad certainly hasn't affected your mom's good looks. :-)