Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Some small sanity finally takes hold

Aliens who are sucking on Uncle Sugar's tit get worried that they won't get a green card.

Good.  There's no where in the Constitution that says we have to pay for every free-loader to can make it to our shores.

And more seriously, by taking tax dollars( that have to be borrowed because we're over-spending) from citizens and using it to fund the constant inflow of non-citizens you are flat out committing theft.  Generational theft.  You are stealing from Americans who might not even be born in order to pay for them to live in a country that isn't America any more when they finally make it.

This country is under no obligation to pay for anybody else to live here.  Period.  And quite honestly, knowing what I do about Social Services, we shouldn't be paying a whole bunch of them, either.

1 comment:

p2 said...

This country is under no obligation to pay for anyone. If there must be a state run assistance scheme (and it's a scheme, no doubt), it needs to be tailored to the area. If it takes $10 an hour to live in your area, and you lose your job THROUGH NO FAULT OF YOUR OWN, you get $10 an hour. Have a kid? Sucks to be you. Get a job paying $8? Your assistance is now $2. Quit your job or get fired? Sucks to be you. Can't afford your McMansion? Get a better job, sell more cars, furniture, whatever, and make more commission. Do a better job and get promoted. Sell the McMansion and move into something you can afford.

Either way, YOU are responsible for you and yours. I'm not. I have enough trouble as it is.