Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Left never stops

I've seen some people on the nominal "Right" look at people like Cernovich, Gavin MacInnis and a few others and ask "Why don't you take a break?"

Well, it's because the Left never takes a break.  All it takes is for the people who love this country to take a breather, to say "Oh, that's not that important", to slack off a bit, and you've got socialist indoctrination in schools and actual Socialists being elected to represent New York City.

Obama the Stuttering Clusterfuck of a Miserable Failure is still out and about trying to prop up his legacy.  Do you think he's taking a break from attacking America and trying to undermine everything good that this country stands for?  No, he hasn't.

I used to get tired of it.  Now I just get pissed off.

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