Tuesday, August 14, 2018

I'd say it's time for New Mexico to look real hard at their judges

Prosecutors:  "So, we have these islamic males training kids to shoot up schools while also killing at least one of them through sheer neglect, in a excrement-filled compound.  We want them held without bail until the trial."

Her Honor, Judge Kooky Nuttzo the Wild-Eyed:  Nah.  Let 'em go.  They'll totally return on their own.

The children discovered at an “extremist Muslim” compound in New Mexico earlier this month were both trained to use firearms and taught multiple tactical techniques in order to kill teachers, law enforcement and other institutions they found corrupt, state prosecutors revealed on Monday. 
The prosecutors provided more details about the accusations during a court hearing in which they asked that Siraj Ibn Wahhaj and four other defendants be held pending trial on child abuse charges. 
But the judge in the case ruled against prosecutors’ request.  
Judge Sarah Backus said although she was concerned by "troubling facts," prosecutors failed to articulate any specific threats to the community. 
She set a $20,000 bond for each defendant and ordered that they wear ankle monitors and have weekly contact with their attorneys.

Seriously, I got nothing.  I don't know what to say in the face of such abject stupidity and willful blindness.

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