Monday, March 19, 2018

Hillary Clinton - the gift that keeps on giving. Like Herpes.

So once again Hillary Clinton's hatred for Normal Americans was broadcast on TV.

During a recent trip to India, Clinton told attendees at a conference in Mumbai that Americans did not "deserve" a Trump presidency, said she won the states "that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward," and said that Trump's campaign was "looking backwards." 
Clinton summed up Trump's message as "you know, you didn't like black people getting rights, you don't like women, you know, getting jobs. You don't want, you know, to see that Indian American succeeding more than you are."

Personally, I hope she keeps her "I hate America and normal Americans" tour going for another couple of years.  I want folks to have the reason Trump won the election front and center for as long as possible.  The Clintons ARE the Democrat Party, and have been ever since 1992.  They are some of the most corrupt, power-hungry, greedy, sleazy, evil people this country has ever seen, and the Democrats protected them against all the consequences of their actions, until they couldn't anymore.  So now the dowager Empress of Chappaqua is running around explaining to the world that the people who elected Donald Trump are the worst things ever, and it's all caught on video. 

All you have to do is listen to these people, and they'll tell you exactly what they think of you.  And make no mistake, their opinions are shared by millions of ProgNazis on both coasts, who hate you just as much or MORE than Hillary Clinton does.

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