Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Proggies gonna Proggie

So, a bunch of violent Leftist ProgNazis (redundancy alert) rioted in New Mexico last night during a Donald Trump rally, to include smashing windows, breaking through barricades, and the signatory act of mentally diseased ProgNazis everywhere, attacking the police.

So they got pepper-sprayed.  Good.

Just add this to their tally.  The hatred in this country comes from the Left, as it has for over a century.  It was the Left who loved fascism and Mussolini.  It was the Left who loved National Socialism and Hitler, until it became politically inadvisable to admit such a fact.  And you can see the very same tactics used by fascist and Nazis and Leftists of all stripes being used today by the Leftists who hate the fact that a man like Donald Trump is even allowed to speak in public.

These people breaking windows in New Mexico are the ideological descendants of the Brownshirts used by Hitler to silence his opposition.  And they'd like to see much the same kind of government installed here in America.


Francis W. Porretto said...

They're the ideological descendants of Hitler's Brownshirts, Dave. Otherwise, spot on.

Drumwaster said...

And the news channels STILL want to blame the violence on Trump for daring to exercise his First Amendment rights. After all, if he hadn't shown up to give the speech, the rioters wouldn't have rioted*.

See also "Heckler's Veto"

* At that particular time and place

Ragin' Dave said...

Thanks, Fran. I posted that right after waking up, and obviously didn't do a good job of proof-reading.

Steve Berven said...

From the "why do you make me DO this?!" school of blame transfer. Popular with wife beaters and rapists for decades. I mean, I had no choice!

"The Devil made me do it" is another long-standing favorite.