Tuesday, March 29, 2016


I hate taking pills.  I don't know where that stems from, if it's normal, or if anyone else feels the same.  I just know that I can't stand taking pills.  I have those gummie vitamins so that I don't have to swallow some pills every day.

So why is it that the doctor wants to prescribe you darn near the entire pharmacy?

I've got some pain pills that I doubt I'm even going to touch.  I've got a supply of muscle relaxers that might, MIGHT get half used by the time I'm done.  "Take one pill three times a day as needed"?  HA!  I don't need to be doped up all day, thank you very much.

Naproxin?  (Or Alleve, for those who don't know).  Non-steroidal anti-inflamitory, yes, fine I can deal with that.  But I don't think I'm going to touch more than a quarter of what was prescribed to me.

On the other hand, the doctor confirmed what I already knew:  I'm getting old, I haven't been gentle on my body, and now it's coming back to bite me in the ass.  Actually, about six inches above the ass, literally speaking.

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