Monday, March 28, 2016


My lower back has decided that it doesn't like me anymore.  I'm trying to make up with it, but having little success.  Doctor's appointment in the PM.

Getting old sucks.


Anonymous said...

Due to severe slip/fall accident at age 19 I've wished I could have a back transplant. I'm age 57 now and have found of all the different modalities I've tried over the years it is wet heat and stretching exercises which work. That plus rum for those occasions when I don't want to bare up to it. With stretching (I'm trying to avoid the 'yoga' appellation) I can get my beat up fat body into cross legged sitting or squatting like in shooting positions.

There are electric heating pads which do provide a 'wet heat' if that works for you.

I sobbed like a girl when various therapists said I should get used to it. But there is the psychology of pain to be considered. It requires a modified attitude so perhaps they were partially correct. Remember, pain is weakness leaving the body. Best wishes to you.

Arthur said...

Donkey Kicks.

It sounds like the most useless exercise you could ever do, but it's been ages since I've had to see a doc after years of a lower back that would go wonky at the drop of a hat.

I grew up on a farm and used my back like I hated it. Couple that with a few car crashes and I've had months where I would throw open my car door after work, fall out onto the ground and crawl into the house.

Ragin' Dave said...

This is multiple years of the Army, plus a teenage life spent throwing bales of hay up onto a trailer and hauling/splitting/stacking cord upon cord of firewood. The doc today basically just said "You're old. You've been in the Army a while. This is what happens."

Luckily, it doesn't appear to be spinal in nature. So we're dealing with muscles, which can be helped without surgery.

Anonymous said...

Yup, gettin' old ain't for sissies.
Me - I'm gonna make an appointment with The Disc Institue here in MN. They claim they can fix herniated discs without surgery.
We'll see.
Good luck.