Tuesday, December 09, 2014

So Gruber is testifying to Congress right now

About his lies and bullshit.

Quite frankly there is nothing Congress can say to him that would equal what he deserves to hear.  There is nothing Congress can do to him that would equal what he deserves to have happen to him.  This lying, slimy, arrogant piece of elitist aristocratic shit needs to be tarred, feathered, and then put in stocks for the public he holds in such distain to throw rotten produce at him.

He needs to be humiliated and punished so horribly in public that the next lying, slimy, arrogant piece of elitist aristocratic shit fears to even contemplate that action.

The name "Gruber" needs to be turned into a verb.  "Dude, don't do that, you'll get Grubered!"

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